In today’s Pānui |
Mōhio Discretionary Funding Update
| Two additional funding streams have been added to the Mōhio Discretionary Funding Form. These are phlebotomy ($10) and Practice Prescription fee ($20). These can be claimed from Tuesday 9th April 2024.
For further information about Auckland PHO’s Discretionary Funding, please see the full programme description here. This is also found on the Auckland PHO website – Resource Library under Programmes and Services (password: aucklandpho).
Mōhio Practice Health Target Dashboard
| Mōhio have recently deployed web-based Health Target Dashboards that display individual Practices’ results for health targets. The unique link for your practice dashboard has been emailed to the practice manager or the practice principal. If you have any questions about the dashboard or if you would like the link to your practice dashboard, please email
Please note, due to ongoing issues specifically with data from NCSP and AIR, the data for HPV/CX and Immunisations may not truly reflect the current state for your practice.
Falls Prevention | Falls prevention is everyone’s business – Ask, Assess, Act It’s Falls prevention month and a reminder to take notice when patients are unsteady of their feet. Start a conversation about falls and the risks.
Inform them about ACC’s free digital balance app ‘Nymbl’
Mōhio has a Falls Assessment Form and Referral information can be found here.
HPV and Cervical Screening updated information
| The Auckland PHO HPV and Cervical Screening document has been updated to consolidate funding and testing information.
Please click here to view.
Community Podiatry Form | We are aware that a link may be broken between practices and the Mōhio Podiatry Referral Form. If you are having problems with the form, please email or call her on 021660841. |
Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO