Tēnā koutou
There are five topics in today’s Pānui your information:
Measles Outbreak
Transport Support
International Nurses Day webinars
Extension of Flu for the Crew date
1. Measles Outbreak – Support for Practices to Immunise Children Overdue for their MMR
On Thursday last week, practices were forwarded a list of NHIs of their enrolled children yet to have their MMR1, along with a few ways the team at Auckland PHO can provide support with recalls and hands on, front line vaccinations. Contact shanaz@aucklandpho.co.nz or call the office 379 4022 if you would like to discuss further.
We recommend that an immunisation champion at the practice:
Review the Child’s medical notes to check whether an MMR vaccine has been given
Prioritise recalls reflecting the Childhood Immunisation Prioritisation Matrix on Page 7 of the Priority Childhood Immunisation Policy Statement:
Prioritise MMR vaccinations (booked, opportunistic, and walk ins)
There are a few ways Auckland PHO can support the practice to immunise tamariki:
Recalls - Alexa is available to help with recalls or assisting with the review of medical notes (#1 above) alexa@aucklandpho.co.nz
Our immunisation team can assist with vaccinations on your behalf- contact shanaz@aucklandpho.co.nz or julia@aucklandpho.co.nz
Create a transport/taxi account for patients/whānau who have issues with transport to get to and from the practice.
It is also important to check that all the practice team are up to date with their MMR vaccinations.
We understand that there is plenty of MMR vaccine. If you have issues with vaccine fridge storage, please contact aaron@aucklandpho.co.nz
2. Transport Support – in case you missed the information sent on Friday
Practice Managers have been emailed practice specific information regarding setting up a Taxi Account for transport support for your enrolled patients who find it difficult to access your services or do not attend (immunisations, screening and diabetes appointments) due to transport difficulties.
If you did not receive your unique details, please contact priscilla@aucklandpho.co.nz
3. International Nurses Day Webinars
Manatū Hauora in collaboration with Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora are hosting two webinars to celebrate International Nurses Day. The theme for 2023 ‘Our Nurses Our Future’ – shines the light on nurses globally, sets the direction for nursing in the years to come and on a brighter future to address global health challenges. The final agenda will be sent prior to the event.
Webinar 1: Thursday 11 May 2023 12:30pm-2:00pm – Includes talks from Dr Amelia Latu Afuhaamango Tuipulotu – Chief Nursing Officer, World Health Organisation, Elizabeth Iro and Margaret Dotchin – Chief Nursing Officer, Te Whatu Ora | Te Toka Tumai, Auckland. Topics will include Global and workforce issues Zoom details https://mohnz.zoom.us/j/88681287209?pwd=Ylh2citNcmMwUFhSTHphMVk5cE1LUT09 Passcode: Fc5yAA8LRQ
Webinar 2: Friday 12 May 2023 2:30pm-4:00pm – Includes talks from Margareth Broodkoorn - Chief Executive, Hauora Hokianga, Kingi Kiriona - Deputy Chief Executive, Mātauranga Māori, Te Aka Whai Ora and Riana Manuel - Chief Executive, Te Aka Whai Ora Topics will include indigenous aspects of nursing in Aotearoa Zoom details https://mohnz.zoom.us/j/89417411144?pwd=SEEvaVlnUi9MdmdYaXNlQjNNNjVUUT09 Passcode: Mq2fKVfzmi
4. Extending the FLU FOR THE CREW
We will be extending the Flu for the Crew Initiative to 31 May to give all the practice team an opportunity to be vaccinated against influenza.
When there is a fully vaccinated crew, contact komal@aucklandpho.co.nz who will arrange a koha for morning tea and a certificate for the practice.
5. POAC Blog Information – in case you missed it
POAC has a Blog with regular important updates POAC | POAC updates and new resources for IV cefazolin. We encourage you and your practice team to sign up to the “blog” following the link.