In today’s Pānui |
Cervical and HPV Screening Claiming moves from POAC to Mōhio 1 October
| Please see the below announcement for the relaunch of HPV Primary Screening through Mōhio Forms.
Summary POAC will turn off their Cx claiming system tomorrow (1 October 2024) at 8am. From tomorrow, the claiming pathway for HPV Primary Screening will transition from POAC to Auckland PHO. In preparation for the changeover, Auckland PHO have re-instated the full Mōhio claiming form with amendments. The full summary and guidance documentation (including screenshots) will be sent out to practices tomorrow.
Note the following important information regarding the changeover:
· Reminder to tick the box for co-test when ordering a test of cure. · Refer to Auckland Regional Community HealthPathways, and the National Guidelines for HPV Primary Screening (linked below):
For more information or any questions, please contact - Siobhan Matich
Nurse Pay Equity Claim – What Practices need to do | Practices who employ at least ONE nurse belonging to the NZNO are subject to the Pay Equity Claim for Primary Care practices and Urgent Care Centres and are required to legally represent themselves or appoint a representative service to do so on their behalf. There are two main employer representatives:
To have the PCBC represent your practice, register in the ‘click here’ above. Auckland PHO will refund the charge. Send invoice to
If you do not wish to be represented and wish to represent yourself, please inform
Barbara Stevens | Tumu Whakarae/CEO