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Monday Pānui 30 September 2024


In today’s Pānui

  • Cervical and HPV Screening moves from POAC to Mōhio 1 October

  • Nurse Pay Equity Claim – What Practices need to do

Cervical and HPV Screening Claiming moves from POAC to Mōhio 1 October


Please see the below announcement for the relaunch of HPV Primary Screening through Mōhio Forms.



POAC will turn off their Cx claiming system tomorrow (1 October 2024) at 8am. From tomorrow, the claiming pathway for HPV Primary Screening will transition from POAC to Auckland PHO. In preparation for the changeover, Auckland PHO have re-instated the full Mōhio claiming form with amendments. The full summary and guidance documentation (including screenshots) will be sent out to practices tomorrow. 


Note the following important information regarding the changeover:


  1. Mōhio Form, claiming and service codes

  • Auckland PHO will continue to fund a follow-up consultation for patients with HPV result 16 & 18 for referral to colposcopy (as Te Whatu Ora does not fund this category). This consult supports clinicians to recall the patient and discuss the result and answer questions.

  • No new service codes are required, however, please make sure to check that your existing service codes match the codes in the guidance document (link below).

  • There are no changes to the Mōhio Express Indicator.

  • Undertake a cutover of POAC claims and retain a register of any outstanding claims.

  1. Claiming for under 25yrs eligible patients

  • Funded screening is available until 31 October 2024 for patients who meet the under 25 years eligibility criteria. Mōhio is unable to accommodate this cohort, therefore, submit any invoices for this cohort directly to Suzanne Le Lievre with the following details:

  • Provider name

  • Patient NHI number

  • Patient full name

  • Date of follow-up consultation

  • Claim amount ($72.00 ex. GST)


  1. Clinical reminders and resources

·         Reminder to tick the box for co-test when ordering a test of cure.

·         Refer to Auckland Regional Community HealthPathways, and the National Guidelines for HPV Primary Screening (linked below):


For more information or any questions, please contact - Siobhan Matich


Nurse Pay Equity Claim – What Practices need to do

Practices who employ at least ONE nurse belonging to the NZNO are subject to the Pay Equity Claim for Primary Care practices and Urgent Care Centres and are required to legally represent themselves or appoint a representative service to do so on their behalf.

There are two main employer representatives:

  • Primary Care Bargaining Collective (managed by Procare on behalf of PHOs and Practices - for more information about the PCBC and their services, or to sign up, please click here)

  • The PCBC charge 0.10cents per enrolled patient to represent a practice.

  • There are no Auckland PHO practices currently signed up to the PCBC. 

  • Auckland PHO will fund the PCBC charge for one year. 


To have the PCBC represent your practice, register in the ‘click here’ above.  Auckland PHO will refund the charge.  Send invoice to

  • GenPro - For more information about GenPro and their services, or to sign up, please click here

If you do not wish to be represented and wish to represent yourself, please inform 


Barbara Stevens | Tumu Whakarae/CEO

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