Tēnā koutou
There are four items included in this Monday Pānui:
HPV & Cervical Screening Claiming via POAC
The Auckland PHO Mōhio HPV & Cervical Screening Form will be turned off tomorrow (31 October 2023) at 5pm and all claims for HPV and follow up cytology for eligible patients will be claimed on the POAC HPV/Cervical Form. The exception to this is a $50 (plus GST) claim for a follow up consultation/discussion for a patient with an HPV type 16 and 18 result needing a referral to Colposcopy. This is because the funding for a follow up and referral consultation is not included in the Te Whatu Ora payment schedule and Auckland PHO are picking up the cost for this. The Form will be live on Weds 1st November 2023 at 8.00am.
HPV Outcome Codes
Currently, the Mōhio Express Indicator for Cervical Screening will remain red after an HPV/cytology result has been inputted into screening. There are 50 outcome codes that are being worked through to ensure pathways and recall timelines are correct. We will let you know when this piece of work has been completed so the colours will change to reflect recall timeframes.
Auckland PHO Awards Evening - SAVE THE DATE
The famous Auckland PHO Annual Awards is on Thursday 14th December at the Sorrento in the Park from 6pm. Put the date in your calendar so you don’t miss out! An invitation and RSVP will be sent out shortly.
Auckland PHO Website – Resource Library
Check out the resources and information in the Library – from information about Auckland PHO programmes to contracts and position description samples for practice staff.
password is: aucklandpho
Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO