Kia ora tatou
Here are three items to note this week.
Mōhio Post Natal Screening Form Update
Following a review of the Mōhio Healthy Mum Healthy Baby form we have made three changes to improve user experience. The three changes are:
The Form has been renamed POST NATAL SCREENING – it replaces the formed named Healthy Mum Healthy Baby
The form now includes the option to record Gestational Diabetes. There is the option in the drop down to click “yes”. This triggers an alert indicating that the Mōhio form will automatically generate a read code entry for Gestational Diabetes (Medtech32 and Medtech Evolution Practices).
We have made a request to the Mōhio team to create an accompanying Gestational Diabetes List accessible via Mōhio reports. This list aims to provide practices with a starting point for blood test recalls with this group of patients.
Screen shots of these changes are attached. If you have any queries about these changes, contact Ashley –
Healthy Practice Staff for Winter - Act now! Look after yourself - be a good role model Get Vaccinated
Several studies over the years have shown that patients (in the eligible ages) who decline a flu vaccination or are ambivalent about getting a vaccination are more likely to consent to getting one if their doctor recommends it. Additionally, if the Practice displays a photo of the GP(s) getting their vaccination, it has a positive upshot – “well if my doctor has had it, then I will too”
This year when 100% of practice staff receive their annual flu vaccination, Auckland PHO will provide you with a certificate for reception/waiting room that hopefully will encourage patients to get theirs, plus we will provide you with a koha so that you can celebrate with a lunch or morning tea. More information to follow this week.
Women’s knowledge, attitudes, and access to vaccines in pregnancy: A South Auckland Study
Attached is a research paper that shows the growing evidence of the significance of health professionals providing information about immunisation in pregnancy.
Enjoy the short week!