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Monday Pānui 28 November 2022

Tēnā koutou

Primary Care Nurses left out of Pay Parity Announcement

We are very disappointed and saddened to hear Minister Little’s pay parity announcement that Primary Care nurses have not been included in the pay parity increase which includes nurses employed in aged care, hospice and in Māori and Pacific health care. Auckland PHO along with other PHOs, and General Practice New Zealand will be strongly advocating for pay parity to include practice nurses and will keep you posted on how the talks are going.

Have you RSVP’d for our Annual Awards evening? - don’t miss out

Who will be getting an award this year?

Join us on Friday 9th December from 6.30pm to find out!

This is the first time in two years where we have been able to celebrate Auckland PHO Practice achievements and the Auckland PHO team are excited to welcome your team to the Sorrento. It will be a night of fun and celebrations.

2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Shareholders and practice teams are invited to the Auckland PHO AGM on Wednesday 7th December at 7pm.

The AGM is expected to be a short affair and will be followed by an after-meeting presentation by his Excellency Dr Richard Davies (GP from Calder Health, Auckland City Mission) who will share his experiences as the husband of Dame Cindy Kiro, the New Zealand Governor General.

Julia Burgess Shaw will then provide an update on what is going on with the Health Reforms as they pertain to the Auckland area.

Come meet the Auckland PHO Board, hear some interesting presentations, enjoy some great kai with a mix, and mingle! RSVP to

Addressing vaccine hesitancy and disinformation through behavioural change – an address by Dr Alison Buttenheim

This is an invite for vaccinators to attend a special National Immunisation Programme organised Webinar on Friday 2 December 2022 from 12.30pm to 1.30pm where Dr Alison Buttenheim will speak about behavioural science approaches to addressing vaccine hesitancy and disinformation. Dr Buttenheim has served on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Ad-Hoc Committee on a Framework for the Equitable Allocation of the COVID-19 Vaccine and provided testimony on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy to the US House of Representatives’ Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.

Changes to funding for supervised RATs in Primary Care

An announcement was made late last week regarding changes to RAT test funding, that some of you may have heard about. The announcement was withdrawn, and it is expected an updated announcement will be made on Tuesday and we will keep you posted!

Zostavax returns

Pharmac has advised that providers who have yet to exhaust all remaining Zostavax stock can return this to ProPharmat at an ambient temperature for destruction. All remaining Zostavax stock in the supply chain expires 25 December 2022. Instructions for returning Zostavax stock is the same as returning PCV10 stock.

Have a great week!

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