Tēnā koutou
Here are two reminders for the week ahead.
Sore Throat Management
A Medinz message recently posted, alerted GPs, NPs and Practice Nurses to the surge in sore throat presentations and the importance of identifying patients who are at risk for Rheumatic Fever.
This is a reminder that Auckland PHO funds a nurse led sore throat management. Auckland PHO Library > Sore Throat Management (Password is aucklandpho)
Please note that the price has been increased to $18.50, however, we are waiting for the form to be updated. Claims that are entered from today will be paid at the new price.
A reminder to always ask about a sore throat in patients, enrolled and casual, particularly those who are Māori, Pacific.
Medinz Message
Management of sore throat presentations in patients deemed high-risk for Rheumatic Fever
Published by Te Whatu Ora – Te Toka Tumai Auckland, Counties Manukau and Waitematā on Jul 10, 2023 8:29:54 PM.
With a surge of sore throat presentations, it is important to identify those at high-risk for Rheumatic Fever.
High-risk is anyone who has a sore throat (or skin infection) and a personal, family/whānau, or household history of Rheumatic Fever, or meets at least two of the following criteria:
Māori or Pacific
aged three-35 years (with an emphasis on four-19 years)
living in crowded circumstances or lower socioeconomic area.
If a patient is high-risk, start 10 days of empiric antibiotics and a throat swab. Consider empiric oral antibiotics and a throat swab if occupational exposure for spreading GAS or if patient is severely unwell.
For further clinical guidance refer to this document or visit Auckland Regional HealthPathways – Sore Throat.
It’s not too late to register for the Ropu Nēhi/Practice Nurse Peer Group tomorrow night
The next meeting is a Clinical Podiatry session run by Andrea Connell, Associate Podiatry Clinical Leader at Te Whatu Ora Te Toku Tumai Auckland.
Note: a Zoom option is available, but this session will be hands-on and interactive and you are encouraged to attend in person.
Date : Tuesday 25th July 2023
Time : 6:00pm-7:30pm
Place: Level 4, 210 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton 1023 (Auckland PHO Office)
There is now a security gate to get into the building carpark that closes at 6pm. To open, there is a keypad on the left-hand side of the gate. The code is 1974#.
When leaving, drive up to the gate and it will automatically open.
Those who attend in person will receive a $10 petrol voucher.
Zoom option available.
RSVP to Komal@aucklandpho.co.nz for both in person and zoom. A zoom link will be sent to your email address.
Have a great week and contact us if you have any questions.
Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO