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Monday Pānui 2 October 2023

Tēnā koutou

There are three topics for today’s Pānui for your information.

HPV Screening – Outcome Codes and Claiming

Siobhan has been visiting practices at pace to assist practice teams to add the most up to date/correct codes for cervical and HPV screening. If she hasn’t been to your practice yet and you need help, please contact her by email

Extended access to medical masks from Te Whatu Ora’s Central Supply

Te Whatu Ora have extended the date for the supply of free medical masks (Type II R/Level 2) to general practices from the end of October until 31 December 2023, with the potential for this timeframe to extend further. This means you can keep ordering this product from the Central Supply until you are notified of a revised date.

All Central Supply product discontinuation and timings are available on Te Whatu Ora’s website and updated monthly based on the latest forecast data. When products are no longer available for order from the Central Supply, you will need to make arrangements to purchase them from the private market again. We will continue to give you advance notice by email of the discontinuation of specific products to support you with your future planning.

COVID-19 Model of Care Changes effective NOW

If you have any questions, please contact us at

  • Providing antiviral medicine for COVID-19 to eligible people will become the key focus of primary and community pharmacy care from 1 October, ensuring people most at risk of serious outcomes from the virus receive the support they need.

  • Te Whatu Ora have distributed a media release ahead of the Model of Care changes: view the release.

  • Guidance documents about the Model of Care for Primary Care from 1 October 2023 can be found here and for pharmacy can be found here.

  • TESTING - to add to previous information provided, please take note of the following additional points:

    • The Healthlink and ESR forms will not be changing.

    • As from 1 October, if you use information from either the Healthlink or ESR forms to assist with the generation of invoices to claim for RAT or PCR testing/consultation funding, please ensure this is only extracted from the tick box “please select if patient is eligible for antivirals.”

  • PULSE OXIMETERS - The funded provision of pulse oximetry to Primary Care from 1 October 2023 will end in line with planned funding changes for COVID-19. There are a number of pulse oximeters for order should you like to use them in your practice or for specific patients. GP’s can order these through the HCL online order portal the same way they currently order PPE. If anyone has any problems with the portal they can email COVID Health Supply Chain/MOH:

If you have any questions about these changes, please contact the Auckland PHO office 09 379 4022

Have a great week.

Ngā mihi,

Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO

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