In today’s Pānui |
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Ambulance service industrial action | Hato Hone St John has received formal notification from the unions that their members will be withdrawing labour for the first four hours at the commencement of shifts on Tuesday 20 August and Saturday 24 August. This will significantly impact the delivery of emergency ambulance services and patient transfer services for at least 24 hours on each of these dates. A key message is to still call 111 in an emergency. For lower acuity calls, be advised there will be delays which will likely take some time to resolve due to a backlog of work. People can still visit their nearest hospital emergency department. People are still advised, that if unsure whether they require urgent care can contact Healthline on 0800 611 116 for free advice.
This letter provides more detailed information, including the measures put in place to mitigate the impact.
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Auckland PHO CME/CNE Zoom Event | Join us for a CME/CNE event on Wednesday 28 August 6.30 – 8.30pm. Topics:
Please RSVP here by Friday 23 August :
A Zoom link will be sent to those registered following the cut-off date.
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Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR) - PMS update
| This communication includes updates on GP notifications from the Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR), and actions required by general practices relating to their PMS:
GP notifications for privately funded immunisations administered elsewhere
A Medtech configuration issue was identified for influenza and sending GP notifications for privately funded vaccinations administered elsewhere was placed on hold. Medtech have advised that the issue is resolved. Please ensure that you have applied the Medtech Evolution v7.2 or Medtech32 July update to incorporate the fix.
The AIR will commence sending GP notifications for privately funded immunisations delivered elsewhere from Wednesday 21 August 2024. The oldest notifications will be sent first in batches, and only once the backlog has been cleared will new notifications be sent. The backlog is estimated to be completed by the end of September 2024. This does not impact the sending of notifications for funded immunisations administered elsewhere.
Practices using Medtech must apply the update before 21 August 2024 so that these immunisations are correctly incorporated into patient records.
Practices using any other PMS do not need to make any updates and can incorporate these immunisations into patient records as usual.
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HPV training modules and associated funding
| Auckland PHO provides a koha of $150 to those who complete the four HPV screening modules: Log in to the site
Please send a copy of your certificate and completed reimbursement form to Komal, in order to receive the koha.
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Auckland PHO Funded CPR Training | Auckland PHO offer funded CPR Training sessions to our practice teams. We currently have three courses on offer, and have slots available on the following dates:
All sessions will take place at the Auckland PHO Office - Level 4, 210 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, AucklandPlease RSVP to are limited in these sessions, and Auckland PHO pay per person. If you do not attend, Auckland PHO are still charged for your space. There is usually a waiting list of practice team members wishing to join, so please notify Auckland PHO if you are unable to attend.
Barbara Stevens | Tumu Whakarae/CEO