Tēnā koutou
We hope your week has got off to a great start!
Here are a few important reminders:
Ropu Nēhi (Nurse Peer Group) Practice nurses are invited to join the first PHO Ropu Nēhi ( Nurse Peer Group ) for 2023:
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
6pm - 7.30pm
Auckland PHO Office, level 4, 210 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton or join via Zoom
This session will include a presentation on nurse self-care and benefits of nursing supervision presented by Rachel Evans (Associate Nursing Director Primary Health Care, Waitemata and Auckland district.) Please RSVP to Komal komal@aucklandpho.co.nz for catering planning or for Zoom link information. Nurses joining the meeting in person at the Auckland PHO office will receive a $10 petrol voucher.
New Practice Staff
We would love to hear from you when a new team member starts at the practice. Contact Komal – komal@aucklandpho.co.nz. We can assist with on boarding and information regarding Auckland PHO programmes and services. Plus, we are required to provide updated Provider lists to Te Whatu Ora each month (which is the reason you receive the templates with names of practice staff to update).
Auckland PHO Funded CPR Training
A reminder that there are CPR sessions coming up at the end of March. Refer to the 10 March Friday Facts for registration or email komal@aucklandpho.nz
Tuesday 28 March 6pm – 8.30pm Level 3 for Admin/Reception
Wednesday 29 March 6pm – 9pm Level 4 for Nurses
Thursday 30 March 6pm – 9.30pm for GPs and NPs
Please note: We pay per person for CPR training. If you are unable to attend, please let Komal (379 4022 ) know as soon as possible.
Have a great week!
Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO