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Monday Pānui 03 October 2022

Tēnā koutou

Welcome to our Monday Panui/Memo where we provide you with a few short messages relevant to Auckland PHO Practices.

Changing Accuretic Medications to a Suitable Alternative

We note that there are several patients who have been prescribed Accuretics who have yet to be seen by their GP for a change to a suitable alternative or a claim for $100 has not been completed.

Refer to your Practice Mōhio Accuretic Patient List report for the full list of eligible patients. This week Emma Pickles, Auckland PHO’s Project Manager will be in touch with practices to provide the names of patients not yet seen or claimed for with an offer of back-office support if needed, for example, contacting patients.

Ordering Auckland PHO Resources

Auckland PHO supplies several resources to practices including enrolment forms, lavalavas and kete with a baby wrap and resources for a baby when they have their 6-week immunisations.

To order our resources, use this link Resource Order Form or phone the office 379 4022.

Police Background Safety Checks

A reminder that all staff working in a general practice are required to have a Police Background Safety Check. Auckland PHO provides a service to facilitate Checks on Practices’ behalf.

We have produced a reference document for practices Auckland PHO Background Safety Check, designed for both those who utilise the Auckland PHO service or undertake themselves. The document can be found in our Auckland PHO website library – Forms, HR and PHO Support (password: aucklandpho).

Please note that the Vulnerable Children’s Act requires employees to ask specific questions at an interview for Core Health Workers and a sample of these questions can be found on pages 38/39 of the Safety Check document.

Auckland PHO Funded CPR Training

Sessions are offered free of charge to our practice teams on:




Registration Form

Level 3

19 October


​Level 4

25 October


Level 5

26 October


RSVP to Spaces are limited and we pay per person. If you don’t attend, we are charged. If you are unable to attend, please let us know as there is usually a waiting list and a colleague can take your place.

Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Workshops We are excited to announce the schedule for upcoming DSME workshops from September to November. Please see full schedule here: DSME Workshop Schedule 2022.pdf Our DSME workshops bring communities together to help patients and their Whānau navigate Type 2 Diabetes and build confidence in self-management skills. If you have any patients that you feel would benefit from this course, please contact, call the Auckland PHO office on (09) 379 4022 or refer through our website here. October Face-to-Face: Saturday 8th October 9:30am-3:30pm | Onehunga Community Centre Flyer: Onehunga Community Centre Sat 8 Oct.pdf November Online: Tuesday Evenings 7-8:15pm | 4 sessions: Nov 8, 15, 22, 29 Flyer: Zoom Tues Eve Nov DSME.pdf Face-to-Face: Saturday 19th November 9:30am-3:30pm | Meadowbank Community Centre Flyer: Meadowbank Community Centre Sat 19 Nov.pdf

Have a great week and be in touch if you have questions regarding any of the content in today’s Panui.

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